Mandible with implant supported dental cantilever bridge isolated over white background
49,99 €
SKU: 269
Categories: animation, implantology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, prosthetics, prosthodontics
Tags: 3d, abutment, anchor, artificial, assembled, background, bone, bridge, cantilever, ceramic, composite, crown, dent, DENTAL, dentistry, denture, fix, fixed, gums, IMPLANT, implantation, installation, isolated, jaw, lower, mandible, mandibular, molar, oral, placement, pontic, porcelain, premolar, prosthesis, prosthetic, prosthetics, prosthodontic, prosthodontics, prosthodontist, rebuilding, reconstruction, renovation, restoration, screw, supported, surgery, teeth, tooth, toothing, transparent, white
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